Saddle Stools
The saddle seat was specifically designed to help people with back problems. The seat positions the spine into a more natural curve. This also gives increased mobility and strengthens the back muscles. All our saddle seats can be washed and steam cleaned.
Wide Saddle Stool
Price £230.00
Ref: SA-W-NB

Upholstered wide saddle stool. Fitted with a tilting seat mechanism and aluminium base.This wider sa..
Wide Saddle Stool with Backrest
Price £247.50
Ref: SA-W

Wide saddle stool with upholstered seat, back and tilting seat mechanism.This wider saddle seat as c..
Fully Adjustable Saddle Seat
Price £249.00
Ref: SA-DX

A fully adjustable saddle seat available in a range of colours. With a tilting seat mechanism and a ..
Upholstered Saddle Seat
Price £170.00
Ref: SA

A fully upholstered saddle seat, available in a range of vinyl colours. The vinyl meets BS5852 Ignit..
Saddle Seat with Foot Lift Adjustment
Price £299.00
Ref: SA-FL

A fully upholstered saddle seat fitted with a foot operated seat height adjustment. Ideal for use wh..
Polyurethane Saddle Seat
Price £110.00
Ref: SA-PU

A cushioned polyurethane saddle seat that can washed and steam cleaned. The Saddle stool was designe..
Saddle Seat with Backrest
Price £275.00
Ref: SA-BR

An upholstered saddle seat with a fully adjustable back rest. Fitted with a tilting seat mechanism a..
Saddle Seat with Backrest and Arms
Price £375.00
Ref: SA-BR-A

A fully upholstered saddle seat with adjustable arms and back rest. Fitted with a tilting seat mecha..
Saddle Stool with Rotating Arm
Price £349.00

A fully adjustable saddle stool available in a range of colours. Fitted with a rotating arm support ..
ESD Anti Static Saddle Stool
Price £257.00
Ref: AS-SA

European Standard EN 61340-5-1:2016.Anti-static saddle stool specifically designed and manufactured ..
ESD Anti Static Saddle Stool with Back rest and Arms
Price £470.00
Ref: AS-SA-B-A

European Standard EN 61340-5-1:2016.Anti-static saddle stool with back rest and arms specifically de..